
Have you ever written software for things like planning a path for a robot
so as to get to a goal in minimum time and avoid obstacles?  What you end
up with is a ba-zillion simultaneous equation to see if lines intersect
then if statements to see if the intersection point is within the segment
of interest. THen you see that this is slow so you do approximations with
bounding boxes first.  It is just a lot of work to check if
polygons intersect.  And planning requires a search through this many times.

The examples seem to show that this can be easy.

But perhaps his library hides the loops and if-statements he says you no
longer need?   In a similar way I can used the Boot  C++ geometry library
to ask if two objects intersect or if one is contained in the other.  But I
know these are simply hiding all the line crossing checks from me

In the CNC world, tool path planning is not much different from robot or
self-drive car navigation. Geometry REALLY does apply to CNC.

It seems to me that this new projective geometry library is different from
the Boost geometry library in that objects are represented differently and
fundamentally different algorithms used (because of the change in

Algorithms and hence computational speed depend so much on how objects are
represented.  What I thought I saw was a change in representation allowing
an orders of magnitude faster computation or maybe just 100X less code.

So is it smoke and mirror or woth following?

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 7:02 PM R C <> wrote:

> that is funny,  I am a mathematician, and actually took several classes
> involving
> projective geometry. What is shown is somewhat of "special case"
> scenarios it seems.
> I don't really see how projective geometry would apply to anything cnc,
> or be helpful, or apply
> to anything "real world" for that matter. It's part of a field called
> 'topology', which, at the
> time, was kinda a prestigious thing to do. (now I think of it as a
> conspiracy theory to sell lots of advil).
> Ron
> On 6/26/20 7:24 PM, andy pugh wrote:
> > I was watching this presentation, and it was all rather interesting,
> > but not directly relatable to LinuxCNC.
> >
> >
> > But then this happened:
> >
> >
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

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