> My next attempt seems to have arrived at a usable config although neither
> the spindle nor axisA is wired up ATM.  But I am getting the desired
> signals to make it work from the stepgen 3 terminals on tb2, getting the
> complements pairs out on the 4 terminals labeled as stepgen 3.
> I will need to go thru the hal file, removing whats no longer used, but I
> need to make up an interface for the olimex card next, which needs 8
> signals, 3 from liuxcnc, pdm and dir+, dir-, which I now have and can
> actually see with a halmeter.  The spindles pdm is on the 2nd pwmgen
> with the pwd from the bob. And I need to hook the spindle dir back up
> on stepgen#3 and the A dirs to the olimex stamp on the other stepgen#3
> pins on the 7i76D.
> I think that might be Progress!  Spose?  Time to rest my back.  Getting
> old is unavoidable unless you die Junge. Considering the alternative, I
> rather like it. ;p)
> This olimex card has so low an R for the on gates that it doesn't even
> come with a heat sink for a 30 amp rated load, the whole card is about
> the size of an airmail stamp. If I think it needs cooling, I'll mount it
> in the psu's exhaust port air stream.  Or I've some bigger heat sink
> stock.
> Thank you Peter.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

Any chance we could trim these posts?  This one had a comet tail about a
mile and a half long.  Makes for really difficult reading when it takes a
while to either find where the comments are or scroll only to the bottom to
find a paragraph or two.


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