On 02/14/2021 08:02 PM, Matthew Herd wrote:
I’ve been working on a new configuration using a fresh install from the live 
image for 2.8.0 and have had some trouble with my E Stop logic.  I am using two 
Pico USC boards and a config based on the default USC with encoder sample.  
When I attempt to click the red button (F1 in Axis) the machine will not come 
out of E Stop.  My E Stop logic is copied below.
My sample configs in the LinuxCNC distro have some functions that must be done in the exact order for them to work. The critical part is the order of addf calls in univstep_load.hal With two USCs, only the one with the lower-numbered address (DIP switch #10 ON) has control of the E-stop, and the other board acts as a slave. The E-stop input on the 2nd board has no function. So, make sure the E-stop loop is wired to the USC with DIP switch 10 ON.

The way this works is it depends on the one servo cycle delay between writing the request to come out of E-stop and the next servo cycle where it reads the state of the E-stop and sees that it now shows OK status. If you have changed the order of addf's in univstep_load.hal of any of the functions connected in the block of univstep_io.hal you quoted, then try to get them back in the same order as the sample config.

OK, here's your problem:
net EstopOkOut <= ppmc.0.dout.15.out
This is the 2nd USC board, which is NOT the master. The ppmc driver always makes the lowest numbered USC the master, so that must be ppmc.0.dout.07.out as that is the digital output that commands the master board to come out of E-stop. The equivalent digital output on the slave board has no function, it always follows the master board.


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