Den 2021-04-28 kl. 06:09, skrev Stuart Stevenson:
   Has anyone developed or printed a chart of arrays to use for
visualization during LinuxCNC development?

Not sure what you want. Type hierarchy, call hierarchy for static calls and class hierarchy is probably what is possible to do. Sometimes a diagram with signal path may give a good picture of the software, this is the caseĀ  for the configuration, it however have limitations for sequential program flow.

If I remember correctly a graphical visualization of structural VHDL give a really good picture of the connections between blocks while more conventional text is used within blocks. Think VHDL have quite much in common with what happen in configuration file.

Wrote PLC program a few weeks ago. Graphical state machine, CFC blocks within states and ordinary sequential programming within block which is Structured text for blocks. Rather satisfied with this solution. Have not yet seen software for state machines I am happy with, ideally I want output only to depend on current, outputs should also be well defined for all states, have been able to do this in ordinary text based programming language by using array/vector of structures with lookup table.

Nicklas Karlsson

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