----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hi, everyone,

We would like to thank our pionneering and thoughtful guests of week one,
Sherry Miller Hocking, John Conomos, Kathy High, Carolyn Tennant, and Isak
Berbic, Megan Roberts who have gotten this month's discussion of "Video:
Behind and Beyond" off to a flying start.

This week we welcome four video artists who works have been front and
center in international festivals and discussions of video art, with all
of these artists toggling between analogue and video systems,
installation, and project.  Alan Sondheim has generously gifted his
archives to the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art where the ETC
archives are also housed.  Lynne Sachs also has been discussion archival
projects with the Goldsen Archive and has been so inventive in blending
platforms and venues in the productive of her provocative art -- most
recently last weekend in a laundromat!  And Ray Roberts Ghirardo and Megan
Roberts are our artistic neighbors in Ithaca, New York.  Just a couple of
weeks ago, Megan made a significant contribution to the Goldsen Archive of
the tapes she had stored for years of the pionneering Ithaca Video
Festival, which run in the late 1970s and early 1980s under the creative
care of Philip Mallory Jones.

We are very much looking forward to your thoughts this week, and we hope
that our -empyre- subscribers will jump into the discussion as well.

Welcome to -empyre_ Ray, Megan, Lynne, and Alan.

Tim and Renate

Megan Roberts (US) is a composer and media artist and Raymond Ghirardo
(US) is a sculptor and media
artist.  Collaborators since the mid-70s they have produced a large body
of installation work exhibited internationally
in a wide range of gallery, museum, festival, public and site-specific
venues including Walker Art Center, Anthology film Archives, Oakland
Museum, Center
for Contemporary Art, Prague, Visual Studies Workshop, Maselnice Gallery,
Cesky Krumlov, Consolidated Works, Seattle, and Infermental, Tokyo. Their
include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, New York
Foundation for the Arts; grants and residencies from NYSCA, Yaddo,
Colony, Emily Harvey Foundation in Venice and Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder
in Norway, among many others.

Lynne Sachs (US) makes films, performances, installations and web projects
that explore the intricate relationship between personal observations and
broader historical experiences by weaving together poetry, collage,
painting, politics
and layered sound design. Since 1994, her five essay films have taken her
Vietnam, Bosnia, Israel and Germany ‹ sites affected by international
she tries to work in the space between a community¹s collective memory and
own subjective perceptions. Strongly committed to a dialogue between
theory and practice, Lynne searches for a rigorous play between image and
sound, pushing the visual and aural textures in her work with each and
new project.  Since 2006, she has collaborated with her partner Mark
Street in a series of playful, mixed-media performance collaborations they
The XY Chromosome Project. In addition to her work with the moving image,
co-edited the Millennium Film Journal issue on ³Experiments in
Supported by fellowships from the Guggenheim, Rockefeller and Jerome
Foundations and the New York State Council on the Arts, Lynne¹s films have
screened at the New York Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival and
Toronto¹s Images Festival.  She is currently co-directing "Every Fold
Matters", a live film performance presented in laundromats around New York
City. In 2014, the China Women¹s Film Festival hosted Lynne in Beijing and
Shanghai during a mini-retrospective
of her films. Lynne teaches experimental film and video at New York
University and lives in Brooklyn.  For more info:  www.lynnesachs.com

ALAN SONDHEIM (US) is a Providence-based new media artist, musician,
writer and performer concerned with issues of
virtuality, and the stake that the real world has in the virtual. He has
worked with his partner, Azure
Carter and the performer/choreographer Foofwa d'Imobilite. Sondheim is
interested in examining the grounds of the
virtual and how the body is inhabited. He performs in virtual, real, and
cross-over worlds; his
virtual work is known for its highly complex and mobile architectures. He
has used altered motion-capture technology
extensively for examining and creating new lexicons of behavior. His
current work is centered around the
phenomenology of terrorism and anguish, and their cultural expression.

Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York 14853

On 9/15/15 1:20 AM, "Isak Berbic" <isak.ber...@stonybrook.edu> wrote:

>----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

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