----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
With happy memories of -empyre- as a moderator from 2002 to 2008, in the 
network these days with video, photomontage, drawing and painting— 

Next February and March, Leafa Janice Kraus, an -empyre- friend of many years 
past, is showing films from “Carbon Song Cycle’, including ‘Solar Circuit Parts 
Per Million” (2013), with music by Pamela Z, at her new space, OLGA, in 
Hamilton, Aotearoa New Zealand.   

Carbon Song Cycle, as a live performance work, with multichannel expanded video 
by Christina McPhee and Pamela Z, premiered at Berkeley Art Museum / Pacific 
Film Archive in California and Roulette in New York in 

Here’s a link to recent videos under the title “Neuro-Tectonic Video Drawings” 

Christina McPhee’s live and recorded drawings animate dense montage within 
images of fragile marine ecologies and seismic landscapes. “McPhee’s drawing, 
extended to and infiltrated with digital video, seems to outline a different 
and stranger project: that of creating as yet unknown material composites by 
aligning the rapid time-processing of our nervous systems with the emergent 
natures at actual sites of energy production or extraction” (Ina Blom).  
Strategic linking of live and performed drawing with documentary video affords 
new spaces to explore vital futures.  ”In the context that McPhee provides, 
every line—charcoal, musical notes, cell phone light—embodies the expenditure 
of resources and energy necessary for the forms of capture and condensation 
that representation requires. As though metaphor were to be measured in 
kilojoules…” (Frazer Ward)

In drawing and painting, my latest works are here


generally speaking—

Christina McPhee’s images move from within a matrix of abstraction, shadowing 
figures and contingent effects. Her work emulates potential forms of life, in 
various systems and territories, and in real and imagined ecologies. Her 
dynamic, performative, physical engagement with materials is a seduction into 
surface-skidding calligraphic gestures and mark-making. The tactics of living 
are in subterfuge, like the ‘dazzle ships’ of camouflage in war. Jagged shards 
vie for position and collide with animations, which together swarm, fold, 
cascade and crash in compositions that suggest accelerating mass movements, or 
the search for grounding and commons.  Her work takes on violence, tragic-comic 
exuberance, and vitality from within a ‘post-natural’ experience of community.

All my best and happy 2016 to all— 


http://christinamcphee.net <http://christinamcphee.net/>  
empyre forum

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