----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Re: wanting to be thinking on these topologies, freedom *and* survival, 
repression *and* production,

I did, again last summer, during the first wave of the Syrian refugees, and 
came upon a figure like this: 

“Asylum”   http://www.christinamcphee.net/asylum/

2015  oil, graphite, paper collage and ink on muslin 165.7 x 99 x 6.3 cm 

She is leaving, freedom from, freedom to, and her dress is caught in the 
maelstrom.  Or/and this is not a silhouette,  is this a navigation?


Ian wrote,

> On Feb 16, 2016, at 9:27 AM, Ian Paul <ianalanp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the challenge in many ways for us is in understanding borders and 
> migrations (and their networks) in their historical specificity, while also 
> understanding how those specificities are (re)produced in much more expansive 
> processes that both exceed and precede them. And so, how can we think of 
> borders and migrations as being both cause and effect? Both agent and object? 
> Things that both separate and tie together? We should be able to think of 
> borders as being both productive and repressive, enabling certain forms of 
> life while seeking to eradicate others. We should be able to think of 
> migrations as being an expression of freedom and perhaps even poetry, while 
> also being able to think of them as also at times being driven by necessity 
> and survival. I want to be thinking on these topologies: freedom *and* 
> survival, repression *and* production.

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