----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Fiamma, thanks! In your work in Tijuana, you undertook to visualize some 
structural power differentials -- right? -- in the aftermath of artist-cultural 
interventions and programming by the project group InSite? In the mid-oughts ?  
Did you assert anthropological analytics to visualize the 
curator-artist-community triad? How did you use a feminist methodology - or 
maybe feminist sensibility in this visualization as it took a swerve away from 
your previous anthropological practice -- ? 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 9, 2016, at 2:19 AM, fiamma montezemolo <fiammamontezem...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Hi all,
> Many thanks for your discussion last week, I have been following it with some 
> delays but with great interest. 
> I will try to jump into the conversation, starting mainly from my fieldwork 
> which - as Christina mentioned - has consistently been located between art 
> and anthropology. I've been dwelling in this milieu for the last 20 years. 
> More recently, inspired by Susan Hiller in particular, I've moved away from 
> academic anthropology which was based on my long term fieldwork in Mexico (at 
> the border between TIjuana and San Diego, where I resided for 6 years).  As a 
> result, I have attempted to translate my work into an artistic practice with 
> the aim of bypassing the questionable divide between theory and practice, 
> between the conceptual and sensorial. In my research-based art, I began to 
> create inter-media, inter-disciplinary and cross-genre interventions being 
> particularly interested in those practices that reflect on the border as a 
> mobile category of experience, of sensible AND conceptual mediations, 
> disciplinary negotiations, and geopolitical articulations. My very first 
> video work has been in Chiapas with the Zapatistas during the '90s: 
> http://www.fiammamontezemolo.com/#faceless 
> My focus at the time was on gender and ethnicity from a 'post-feminist' 
> perspective (Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti, Renato Rosaldo, etc.). Since 
> then, of course, I moved on to other topics and themes because an 
> 'identity-politics based' orientation became 'majoritarian', so to speak, 
> borrowing from Deleuze and Guattari.
> At the moment, my major preoccupation is to visualize my research-based art 
> practice through various media forms:
> 1) fieldwork intimacy through apps: 
> http://www.fiammamontezemolo.com/#fieldwork-notes
> 2) Ecological problematics, primarily via installation work: 
> http://www.fiammamontezemolo.com/#the-3-ecologies
> 3) border issues, primarily via the video-essay form: 
> http://www.fiammamontezemolo.com/#traces (password: fiamma)
> Looking forward to having more stimulating conversations,
> Fiamma
> -- 
> Fiamma Montezemolo
> www.FiammaMontezemolo.com
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