----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
I began drafting this very belated resolution response while sitting at JFK on 
January 21st feeling frustrated and sad that I was missing the Women's March 
due to work travel. Waiting at the airport I took comfort in witnessing 
incredible moments from the marches in D.C., NYC, Ithaca, and so many other 
cities and towns through my Instagram feed.  A week later, I finished this 
response while flying back to JFK, overwhelmed with feelings of heartbreak and 
anger, but also great admiration for everyone who had taken action since last 
Friday to resist Trump's inhumane and horrid actions to ban Muslims and 
refugees. It was a very hard week to be out of the country while there was such 
an urgent need for action.

In my job as a university curator, I occupy a position of privilege that 
provides me access to a physical public space and to the opportunity to create 
exhibitions and programming. Since the election, I have been acutely aware of 
this privilege and the responsibility and necessity to hold myself and the 
institution I work for up for critique. We need to invite conversations by a 
multiplicity of voices in order to enact our mission statement and put words 
into actions—providing an inclusive space for dialogue for the diverse 
community of Hunter College, the City of New York, and beyond. To help me stay 
mindful and present and to channel my anxiety and fear into action, I have 
created a list of resolutions for myself.

I will...

speak up and resist.

speak out against injustice.

acknowledge my privilege.

open myself to difficult conversations.

welcome critique.

demand we do better for artists, for our students, for our neighbors, for the 
city to create exhibitions and programs that are inclusive.

foster a safe space and work to make the gallery a sanctuary.

pay artists, writers, critics, and all cultural workers for their labor.


learn to know when to be quiet.

practice compassion.

be loving.

And I will remember to breathe.

Sarah Watson
Director of Exhibitions & Chief Curator
Hunter College Art Galleries
695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
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