----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

Hi Simon, a few comments interspersed below -

Dear <<empyreans>>,

Outside of (reacting with moral disgust or nausea) a reactive opposition, what can be done to form and inform an active (political) nonopposition to political powers which claim the right to be considered nonpolitical? and which in so claiming are claimants to a constituency of the politically exhausted (the Left)?

*/the opposition is already there on all sorts of grassroots levels; while the press understandably concentrates on larger-scale mass-movements, there are practices on a local leve that receive (local) attention - student protests, local marches, sanctuary discussions and legislation, and so forth; it's happening on the level of TAZ (temporary autonomous zones) in a way I haven't seen before./*

Nietzsche had it that god died of pity; do we now try and raise her with disgust?

A journalist commented on the Trumpulist derogation of news media that it is part of a general strategy of delegitimation: unlike Europe, the US has no experience of the fabrication of popular truths to support political regimes.

*/This just isn't true; during the Vietnam war tne 'Pentagon' was consistently lying, not only about actions, but also about body counts, etc.; Fire in the Lake, I believe, has covered that in depth. We've had our share of fake news all the way along - even the onslaught years ago by the tobacco lobby.../*

Too readily to accept we live in a posttruth world is to accept also that the delegitimation of news media is to some degree justified, that they have justified this to some degree themselves--and even doing so in the smallest degree, because of pluralist leanings, sociohistoricocultural relativism, or economic realism, is a quiescence, if not acquiescence. In other words, Trumpulist declarations of the falsity of fake news, even if they are not believed, serve just as well, since they raise it as plausibly possible: it is not us lying to you, but the others, the ones cynically declaring for truth, who are the true liars. After all, we, the winners, have nothing to gain, have nothing more to prove and have to prove nothing more: the burden of proof is with the losers and the liars in the media. And after all, Trump has no need for them--he has his own media.

*/Absolutely, and this is the core of the problem; if Trump says X and news says non-X, then both are seen as critique-in-opposition. A great deal of this, I believe, has to do with the dismantling of the K-12 school system in the U.S. which has resulted in literall most of the country getting their daily news from right-wing radio, Rush Limbaugh at the top of the heap. This is a complicated situation, but for most rural or small-town Americans, the main news sources for the past thirty years have been Fox and right-wing Net, yes, but in the car, the home, the story, it's been a constant barrage from the extreme far right. I've noted how Limbaugh among others has grow increasingly out-and-out racist and strident, beginning with Obama. This is daily, this proceeds without contradiction, this hammers home like Father Coughlin did in the 30s./*


Thanks!, Alan
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