----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
My apology for not finishing off last month’s discussion last week.  I took 
some time off for the Us holiday more importantly to regroup.  I hope you will 
all forgive me.  

To close out last months discussion I want to thanks Lindsay Kelley, Anna 
Munster, Mark Marino, Talan Memmott, Kevin Hamilton, Byron Rich, Randall 
Parker, Ana Vales for being guests during our month long discussion on Fake 
News.  Globally fake news has intensified as not just a western phenomenon. 
Fake news has intensified globally in 2017 and continues to do so. This past 
month  provided us an opportunity to connect in with global events as they were 
unfolding.  Randall made a pressing point that sums up the month’s sentiments: 
I see the developing fake news issue as the catalyst of a much greater problem: 
the intentional distortion of reality for the purpose of gaining political 
control. Fake news is a means to an end, what happens when morally bankrupt 
demagogues are in pursuit of absolute power. 

To this end, it beholds us to construct critical “weapons” that we can use to 
deconstruct and defuse this diabolical fakery, and it is my hope, that during 
this next week, the empyre list can serve as both a virtual roundtable for 
discussion, as well as a space for developing tactical methods we can employ as 
media artists, theorists, and educators in our everyday lives and work.” 

Thanks to Lindsay and Anna for sharing for sharing their event at the 
University of New South Wales, “ FAKE NEWS from the Art and Politics Bureau” 
and to Patrick Lichty as well for sharing his own work and perspective from the 
Middle East.  Thanks to the other artists who shared their own work and the 
writers who also shared their perspectives. Let’s agree to  tactically to 
“deconstruct” and “defuse.”  Many thanks to all of you as we move onward. 


Renate Ferro

Visiting Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Art
Tjaden Hall 306

empyre forum

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