----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hello -empyre-,

I am so delighted to introduce Tyler Fox, who can add another vector in our
conversation on the topics of thinking and feeling alongside nonhumans.
Tyler and I met this summer at ISEA in Colombia, where I learned of his
work with fermentation, and where I also met Jordan Yerman and Adam
Zaretsky who are participants in this month's discussion as well.

Tyler Fox is an artist, researcher, technologist and educator. He is a
Lecturer in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of
Washington. His work is centered on the attempt to create shared
experiences between humans and nonhumans, both living and nonliving. His
draws inspiration from the philosophies of Gilbert Simondon and Alfred
North Whitehead to create speculative artworks that help us think and feel
alongside of nonhumans.Tyler received his PhD from the School of
Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University, an MFA from the
Elam School of Fine Arts at the University of Auckland and BAs in Art
History and the Comparative History of Ideas at the University of

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