----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
So happy to warmly welcome Isak Berbic and Ian Alan Paul who will join Amy Sara 
Carroll, Ricardo Dominguez and Melinda Rackham.  So sorry I inadvertently left 
them off from yesterday’s introduction. 

Isak Berbic (SFRY, US) In the 1990’s when Yugoslavia disintegrated and Sarajevo 
was under siege, Isak Berbic and his family escaped from the war to Croatia, 
lived in a refugee camp in Denmark, and received political asylum in the United 
States. Isak Berbic studied art at the Malmö Art Academy, Sweden, and at 
University of Illinois at Chicago, where he completed his MFA. In Chicago Isak 
produced initial pieces such as My Uncle’s Tooth, 2006, and also worked on 
publishing Zambak, an independent culture and politics publication for the 
North American communities of the Bosnian War diaspora. From 2007–2012 he was 
based in the United Arab Emirates, where he taught at University of Sharjah, 
producing site specific works, photographs, short films, including projects 
such as, Abu Dhabi, and, Sarajevo. Isak is currently based in Brooklyn, New 
York. He teaches at The State University of New York at Stony Brook. At the 
moment he is working with saguaro cactus, hippopotamus fossils, juju beans, 
lapis, shrapnel and meteorites.

Ian Alan Paul (EG, US) s a transdisciplinary artist, theorist, and curator. His 
practice aims to produce novel conditions for the exploration of contemporary 
politics and aesthetics in global contexts. His projects often incorporate 
digital/new media, performance, and installation, and are informed by prolonged 
engagements with continental philosophy and critical/queer/feminist theory. His 
recent work has approached topics such as the Guantanamo Bay Prison, Fortress 
Europe, the Zapatista communities, Drone Warfare, and the military regime in 
post-revolution/post-coup Cairo.

Renate Ferro
Visiting Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Art
Tjaden Hall 306

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