----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Asta Gröting
Touch 2017

Video link: http://astagroeting.de/works/touch-2017/

Asta Gröting (b. 1961, Herford) lives and works in Berlin. Recent solo 
exhibitions include KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany and 
Kunstraum Dornbirn, Austria. She has had solo exhibitions at ZKM Zentrum für 
Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe; n.b.k., Berlin; Lentos Kunstmuseum 
Linz; Henry Moore Institute, Leeds; and MARTa Herford. She has participated in 
numerous large-scale international exhibitions, including 22nd São Paulo 
Biennial, the 8th and 14th Biennale of Sydney, and the 44th Venice Biennale.

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