----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
I missed the bit where the decision to move to the country was taken. Shame, 
because I enjoyed the transition from flat to the city and especially enjoyed 
the time in the flat.

I used to teach a seminar on Murnau’s classic Sunrise -  A Song of Two Humans, 
it won’t leave me alone as I think about this woman’s return to nature. 
Somehow, it’s a very city thing to do to move into nature starting with an 
outfit design. Brilliantly City.    

This woman blows Murnau’s typically patriarchal approach out of the water. It’s 
still a love story but for a planet maybe or a cause, the country still wins, 
the city once she joins it is dangerous and complex and yes, she starts with an 

It seems an appropriate foil to a comparison with the patriarchal history of 
film that she worries that the filmmaker might feel taken advantage of.

I like the pace, the evident and slow process of filming, the time as she lives 
though a cold winter in her flat, and the punchy speeches.   

There’s the fabulous scene in Sunrise where during a country tryst, the city 
appears in sky surrounded by the mists of the marshy country. I imagine similar 
mist around thought bubbles appearing above the head of our protagonist. What 
would they contain?

 …Maybe it’s appropriate that it’s a film without spoken dialogue which I’m 
most reminded of in a discussion around voice.  

Maia Conran

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