----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

I apologize in advance if it seems like I am pointing towards the NFT itself as 
my point of interest, but I only find it as an index for the larger milieu in 
which it operates. For me. the NFT is an artifact that points toward many 
'flows' that ne3cessitatie real-time interaction, like marketing yourself 
constantly in Clubhouse, constanttly monitoring ETH costs, Gas costs, when 
people are on, to the point where I believe that the discrete time becomes 

So the buying and selling of objects themselves seem rather mundane to me; just 
another expansion of late-stage capitalism, but the _sociology_ of the 
community around the crypto world, and what is being called the "metaverse".

On Sun, 16 May 2021 01:35:30 +0000, Renate Ferro <rfe...@cornell.edu> wrote:

----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hi Patrick

Patrick wrote:
"-in watching the NFT craze in digital art, it seems that speculation in art, 
on “gas” fees, on Ethereum pricing requires nearly a moment-by-moment 
attention, or a rigorous set of analytical tools to do it for you. Since the 
NFT world is a new social media ecosphere, this phenomenon seems to be an 
expression of its culture."

Thanks so much for making your first post. Given the topic you have proposed, 
Flow, Impulse and Affect in Real Time, I think it might be interesting to 
unpack your ideas about NFT or an Non-fungible token in relation to flow. 
Non-fungible” means that it’s unique and can’t be replaced with something else. 
NFT’s are Ethereum blockchains. Ethereum is a cryptocurrency like bitcoin. This 
currency is being traded for digital art. In fact, Twitter founder, Jack Dorsey 
sold his tweet from March 2006, “Just setting up my Twittr” for 3 million 
dollars. Absolutely anything digital can be sold.
Can you perhaps say a bit more what you think about the flow of capital in 
relationship to digital and its cultural resonances especially in 2021 as we 
are feeling the global economic and cultural effects of a worldwide pandemic?

Thanks. Renate

Renate Ferro
Visiting Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Art
Tjaden Hall 306

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