Many campus radicals in the 60's & 70's came to the same conclusion. They realized that the only way to be a true revolutionary was to be a criminal or "outlaw." You get people who become bank robbers or drug dealers to fund their revolution. The other call from the 60's & 70's was to work within the system to change the system. There is a 3rd way especially in higher education and that is to start your own school. This means find a patron or a backer to fund a new type of tactical media school. This is what Joseph Beuys did in the 70's in Cologne. He opened up a free university. Obviously you can't start with a "free university" because you all have to make a living. But as a radical gesture especially within the new media computer science and communications world it could be one of the most radical movements of all.

On Apr 15, 2010, at 1:14 PM, Beatriz da Costa wrote:

We can't simultaneously ride a career as "interventionist artists," claim a political edge and demand funding, space and support from an institution like Calit2. It simply won't work, at least not in the long run. Eventually, the support will either stop, or the political "edge" won't be quite as edgy anymore

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