dear -empyre-

One winter-ish sunny morning early in the year, I walked into the adaptive-of-fifties-modern penumbra of Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects. It felt like an auto showroom from a time of finned convertibles. The military-gray cement floor slanted handicapped- regulation-style up a half level, I turned, and saw what looked like a conventional video install.... large projections wall to wall. But wait, in front, in shadows, what were these very long railroad ties then a hand pump ? A breast pump, no, a wagon for delivering water along the tracks.....

The video wasn't, it was film, it looked like filmstrips, it looked like the documentary filmstrips from the forties and fifties and sixties. The kind that extolled the wonders of 'Lahhhs AN-gle-es" , as my grandmother of Anaheim would say amongst her clipped lawn-edge roses mellowing in smog.

Then I heard a whispering voice in an accent and timbre uncannily close to that of David Lynch, but younger. No: again I slipped and turned, and stopped in my tracks in front of the rail. It seemed like a long film. The pumping, the pumping, the whispering, the black and white 16 mm feeling... I sat on the cool cement floor like a child in kindergarten waiting a turn. The turn came, the work circled round
again--it was a pumping cycle..

The installation involves performance as re-enactment, in registrations of oil and water....

Pumping / an installation by Joel Tauber....



Christina McPhee

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