this is a lovely full-circle conclusion for the month, though we've got some hours to go. Sandy Storm (hi Sandy Baldwin) gives us a chance to consider the past month with a certain vividness.

On 10/31/12 11:07 AM, Johannes Birringer wrote:
dear all

Is memory also such a thing? Can it outlive the person to whom it is said to 

Simon wrote this question, and i was going to say, yes, this is something i 
always assumed, and Jonathan refered to this also in regard to how trauma may 
be passed on from generation to generation.
I also think that one can "find" memory and discover how it lives in one (or 
the other we live with or engage with), one senses the presence of this lingering shadow 
world, or one finds it also in the notes left behind by our fathers or grandfathers (cf. 
Stifter, Die Mappe des Urgrossvaters).

Simon also responded to my reference to an "emergent, globalized psychic pathology" 
(Malabou), and I was going to try to differ about the assumption (from Damasio) that the effort ... 
to follow the interactivity of the "different levels" results in a clear shape....

[Simon schreibt]
The "notion of an "emergent, globalized psychic pathology"" is not a drug to be 
taken outside of a carefully controlled and monitored and emotionally supportive environment or else 
it is itself the project and end of that carefully controlled and monitored and emotionally supportive 
environment. >
But then the hurricane came to the north-eastern parts of the united states, 
and i also, when reading, saw that Alan Sondheim and Jonathan Marshall got 
caught in an inextricable, perhaps painfully unresolvable online conversation 
or debate that seemed to infuriate (but i had a sense it was also performed and 
perhaps not real? this akinetic mirroring line by line? this warped pas de 

Then i remembered the many things i learnt, for example, from the postings by 
you all, and by Diane,

Beyond the ways in which pain resists any separability of mind and body,
  in our currently brain-centrist time, it also resists any explanation that focuses 
on the brain.>>

especially on SNOWWORLD and pain distraction, shooting snowmen.

So my group is conducting a scientific study comparing SnowWorld with a volcano 
(same terrain). >>

And then i wondered how it, this month's discussion, might at all relate to the 
empathy now expressed to all of you in the north-eastern part of the united 
states hurricaneworld before, during and after the hurricane,
and also the experiences that were mentioned initially, the hearing of wind and 
storm, the recording and photographing it....

Everyone I know is documenting the storm and putting it up online. The
reality as such is troubling... At the moment the situation is more
severe, small explosions, more fires, flooding everywhere....>>

is this not amazing.

having lived through numerous hurricanes in Texas and the Gulf bay area,  I can 
sympathize with your excitement, the thrill, the rush, the relief?
i also, when in Houston during these events, felt the impending disaster as 
intoxicating, dangerous, fatal,  and yet (yet Katrina happened nearby, very 
nearby, and it was awful) and yet, what is it.
this "becoming equal to the wound" we have been talking about?

this presumption of live art?  or (I refer to Kristine's defense of Burden) 
presumptiveness of a person somewhere under a ramp or in a white cube doing a 
act of self-harming, what would it matter, and for whom? what consequence?
And probably we can't speak of it in comparison with our fathers, mothers, or 
grandparents not any longer recognizing themselves or their own absence. And 
yet we do.

I am leaving now, wanting to thank everybody for what you shared here,
and for having invited me.

Johannes Birringer

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