----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
dear all

missed a few days of the discussion due to travel and cold/fever, 
and wanted to thank last week's participants, in particular Garth Paine for 
describing the 
'The Sustainability of Future Bodies' roundtable, and after reading your posts 
(and remembering Margie Medlin's fine work
with dancers and robots), I wonder whether it is too late now to talk further, 
hear more about how your panel or the
audience in the room engaged, and how some or others responded to the question, 
or the notion, that "bodies" can 
innovate (what) or whether you can "innnovate with the body"?

I also think the "paradigm" of interactivity deserves some serious questioning, 
now that many of us think it's over
or artistically limiting (or useless), well that is what I would  propose at 
least.  The need for collaboration and the
accompanying issues of how to interact in real places (not non places) also i 
think deserves more discussion. 

Due to a fever I cannot be in Madrid this week where my collaborators of a 
project (METABODY) meet to launch
a quite massive collabortion with numerous partners and associates 
(organizations), perhaps the largest collective
grant project I ever had been  involved in or heard of....


and with so many associates and partaking artists, scientists, cultural 
critics, curators, and funders, the question
that came to my mind was a strategic one, how to find a language that can be 
shared and understood and moved
forward, for action and shared rehearsal, or as Garth points out
how might we create situations of play, immersion and interaction that foster 
interconnectedness and enable a receptivity to difference, the other and the 
not yet foreseen bodies of the future?"

how to you receive others to your place or find access to another place and its 

I enjoyed Gary Warner's reflection so much, and then thought about home and why 
we still use the notion of home
or familiar place, and the other day I read that a Kunstmuseum (in Bonn, 
Germany) actually curated a show with
the title "Heimsuchung" -- not a bad title, difficult to translate, as the 
'finding of home' in this word has a sinister
and unheimlich subtext.....


Ausstellung ā€˛Heimsuchung":
Wer hat Angst vor seinem eigenen Haus?

(Who is afraid of their own house).

I am .

with regards
Johannes Birringer
c/o Interaktionslabor
empyre forum

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