----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Dear Sally Jane

On 23 Jul 2014, at 18:35, sally jane norman <normansallyj...@googlemail.com> 

>  I'd love to hear more on your take on ghosts and haunting and resonance, 
> Sue, as I'm also grappling with this stuff - something I've previously tried 
> to articulate as "registers of presence"...

I like your use of 'grappling': ghosts, haunting etc. are tricky words because 
they could seem to imply mystification of something that I'm trying to anchor 
in the bodily experience. Grappling is very active.
You might be interested in this short article I wrote a couple of years ago 
about the making of a dancefim which explores kinaesthetic and kinetic 
processes of 'inhabiting' (and being inhabited by) the mnemonic traces of 
places. The article focuses mainly on the physical practices that we used to 
facilitate exploration of imaginatively created virtual spaces:  

Also, in my previous post I referred to Elizabeth Dempster - I meant Elizabeth 
Behnke. Apologies to both Elizabeths.
Behnke's piece, which you might find of interest  is: “Ghost Gestures: 
Phenomenological Investigations of Bodily Micromovements and Their 
Intercorporeal Implications, ” Human Studies 20, (1997), pp.181–201.

all the best, Sue

independent dance artist

empyre forum

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