----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

Dear Simon and Sue, 

Thanks for organising this discussion. I’m sorry I’ve not been able to 
participate in real-time, but I have found inspiration in many of the comments 
several days after they were written. 


On 29 Jul 2014, at 01:04, Simon Biggs <si...@littlepig.org.uk> wrote:

> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Virtual Embodiment
> Thanks to our invited discussants during week 4, Sally Jane Norman and Daniel 
> Tercio, as well as those who contributed to the week's discussion. During the 
> fourth week of discussion the topics engaged have included entrainment, 
> extended mind, the scaffolded self, hauntology, 'grappling', how different 
> languages contextualise discussion on embodiment and even how processes of 
> translation lead to interesting conceptual collisions, such as the mashing up 
> of chairs and bodies (echoing Alan Sondheim's mashed up Second Life cyborg 
> selves). Kirk Woolford also contributed with a discussion around his work 
> with augmented reality projects engaging Tim Ingold's concept of 
> 'place-binding', a concept as relevant in virtual space as in any other 
> place. Other artists' discussed, directly and indirectly, included Wesley 
> Goatley, Michael Takeo Magruder and el Greco. Even the classic Hollywood film 
> Casablanca was referenced.
> Over the course of this month's discussion the concepts of the 'virtual' and 
> 'embodiment' have shown themselves to be, as Susan Kozel noted, polysemic, 
> demanding definition and redefinition. It seemed that, unlike Bill Gaver, 
> discussants were not 'so over embodiment'. The discussion (in English, but at 
> times Assyrian, Icelandic, Portuguese and Greek - perhaps a future empyre 
> discussion might engage pluriliteracy?), touched on somatic materialism, 
> affect, potential, flow, resonances; it climbed through a framework of 
> porosity, perception and presence; looked at window-weather, bodyweather, 
> gabbu, the possibility of swallowing systems and carne asada. There was a 
> good degree of suspicion and critique of the corporate, of consuming/being 
> consumed by socio-technical systems and protocols, counterbalanced by some 
> yoga, a reminder to breathe and Sally Jane swimming in the sea.
> We would like to close our July 2014 discussion on  –empyre–  soft-skinned 
> space about Virtual Embodiment by thanking our guest discussants Susan Kozel 
> (SE), Johannes Birringer (UK), Samantha Gorman (USA), Sophia Lycouris (UK), 
> Tamara Ashley (UK), Garth Paine (USA), Hellen Sky (AUS), Daniel Tercio (PT), 
> Sally Jane Norman (NZ/FR) and Sarah Whatley (UK). We would also like to 
> thanks all those who contributed to or followed the discussion. Lurking is a 
> very important part of list participation, just as reading is an integral 
> aspect of writing and publishing.
> We wish those of you in the Northern Hemisphere a relaxing and pleasant 
> August whilst here in the Southern hemisphere we wish empyre members a cooler 
> and rapid transition to Spring. The first signs of Spring are evident here in 
> the Adelaide Hills, with nesting birds, early flowerings and new lambs.
> empyre will take a break during August and will return in September.
> Sue and Simon
> independent dance artist
> s...@articulateanimal.org.uk
> http://www.articulateanimal.org.uk
> Simon Biggs
> si...@littlepig.org.uk  |  @_simonbiggs_ 
> http://www.littlepig.org.uk  |  http://amazon.com/author/simonbiggs
> simon.bi...@unisa.edu.au  |  Professor of Art, University of South Australia
> http://www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/staff/homepage.asp?name=simon.biggs
> s.bi...@ed.ac.uk  |  Honorary Professor, Edinburgh College of Art, University 
> of Edinburgh
> http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/edinburgh-college-art/school-of-art/staff/staff?person_id=182&cw_xml=profile.php
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> empyre forum
> empyre@lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
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