----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

I wanted to take up John's notion of the impermanence of "The Cloud."  This
puts me in mind of an art project that I believe speaks to this
intersection of issues.  Last year, my writing partner Rob Wittig and I ran
a netprov on this topic. (A netprov is an online improvised narrative.)  (

hehe, Mark -- just to drop a singular historical note in the mix -- I was regularly doing live/online networked text/sonic/visual improv & storytelling with my students in Finland, Germany, Norway, Iceland, and @ CU-Boulder between '93-'04 via IRC, iVisit, CUSeeME, VDMX, REAL, and FTP (some scattered evidence @):


-- it's quite fun when they get tapped into it -- A bit hard to imagine how it proceeds in this day of saturated social media.

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
grounded on a granite batholith
twitter: @neoscenes
empyre forum

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