----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

On Mon, 3 Nov 2014, Erik Ehn wrote:

----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

(for some reason, I can't quote directly here)

The technocrats of light, I keep thinking of scorched, of scorching, of the annihilation of language, body, history, past reduced to a telling and invention by others. The past was never the present, never translates; "what I remember" for example of the "Vietnam era" is just that - quotations. All the way back, Sartre in Imagination described the image as imaginary in both senses, that it's a presence/construct. But that requires someone to do the constructing. I think of Barrett's post as well - if there are images that literally block or destroy by their vehemence - or better yet, experiences that produce post traumatic stress syndrome where, among other things, the mind keeps tunneling inescapably around the same moments of anguish - what then? (What if contemplation is impossible?)

- Alana
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