----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

so much now has been brought to the round, and thanks to all those who wrote on 
the weekend, after having been  busy at some points during the week or 
traveling (like Pia, Olga, and Heiner);  my not so very good idea to slow down
was actually a personal reflection, I was admitting aloud that sometimes in 
such online discussions the beautiful asynchronicity of the writings  -  as we 
try to follow, and respond, or elaborate and push forward our our train of 
thought, as well as our reaction to events that happen, interrupt us, still us, 
move us – makes me lose the thread, your thread, for in-depth response  I crave 
to give, to everyone here.  I went to a "networked bodies" (digital 
performance) event earlier
today (where I saw strange visions of future bodies....)  and now will read all 
the letters of all week again tonight.  back tomorrow,


empyre forum

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