----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Dear all

This has been a truly amazing roundtable, in this month so far, most of you 
will agree, and the theme we had proposed was not a light one, but weighs 
heavily on us, it wears us down, That is also why I was delighted this morning 
when Aristita posted her long letter revisiting her upbringing and her 
experience of changes in her country during and after the years of 
dictatorship. I have asked  her to continue this thread, and tell us more about 
the current changes and how the people's communal will (creative power) forced 
change, as I see this in a close relationship to some of the questions we have 
asked. On the other hand I realise that communities can be divided, and this we 
must discuss as well, perhaps what happens in Ferguson, Missouri, and what 
happens in other communities, can be our reference, and must be our evidence, 
apart from the literature, history, and theory we might engage, the thought 
processes we propose, the anguish we express. Thanks Somja for joiningnus to
 night, and I tend to think that this discussion has been rather uncontentious 
so far, surprisingly, so we must be able to work through contentious issues, or 
differences of approach as well, I look forward to that, and welcome it. I 
believe Alan has given us so much to grapple with, I expected there to be much 
response, so this is all good and necessary, 

empyre forum

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