If wasm "can be almost directly executed", I think one could reasonably 
expect compile times to be negligible (under ~200ms), for any payload under 
~10M, even on a single core.

Perhaps the design of wasm makes that possible, in theory, but the liftoff 
baseline compiler fails to meet that expectation.


Performance seems to depend heavily on the number of available hardware 
threads, and is far too poor on machines that only have a few.

In short: Single-threaded performance seems abysmal, so that would be the 
thing to look into.

I don't know if it's faster or slower in firefox. I suspect it's 
comparable, but I don't find it interesting/relevant enough to test.

On Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 1:16:56 PM UTC-5, Alon Zakai wrote:
> The number of cores definitely matters, yeah - that could explain your 
> results.
> Wasm is sort of in the middle of the options you mentioned, I think. It 
> can be almost directly executed by the VM, which is what baseline compilers 
> do, and they can compile at around the speed of the network, so VM compile 
> times almost don't matter. Wasm was designed to run pretty well on such 
> baseline compilers, and often it's a factor of 2 or so compared to full 
> throughput. To reach that full speed, though, yes - you do need a 
> sophisticated optimizing VM (to do machine-specific register allocation and 
> so forth), and those compile times can be slower (but, mostly hidden by the 
> baseline compilers).
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 11:04 PM Goran Milovanovic <goranm...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I'm not really sure what you mean by "hitting a bad case in the VM". Are 
>> you implying that my code could be doing something highly unusual, which V8 
>> can't really process effectively? This seems highly unlikely, because the 
>> application in question is a pretty typical OpenGL program, that just 
>> renders some fairly primitive textured geometry. I've also tested other, 
>> even smaller/simpler applications, and performance scaling is pretty much 
>> linear, at about 1 second of delay per 1MB of wasm code.
>> Looking at the V8 liftoff post in a little more detail, it seems that the 
>> compilation pipeline is highly parallelized, and that their benchmarks were 
>> done on machines that have *at least* 8 hardware threads ... That would 
>> explain their seemingly impressive results, and it would also explain the 
>> lackluster performance I observe, on a machine with only 2 hardware threads.
>> On a more general note: I think my notion of what wasm actually is, and 
>> what I can expect it to do, was a little skewed. I was under the impression 
>> that wasm was a hyper efficient IR, that the browser could just trivially 
>> translate into runnable machine code, with negligible performance impact. 
>> However, the more I learn about it, the more it seems like any other IR, 
>> which requires a fairly involved compilation system, which in turn requires 
>> considerable hardware resources to run at interactive speeds.
>> On Monday, December 10, 2018 at 7:51:52 PM UTC-5, Alon Zakai wrote:
>>> Interesting, it's possible you're hitting a bad case in the VM then. Can 
>>> you perhaps make a public testcase of your codebase, and we can show it to 
>>> them?
>>> On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 11:02 PM Goran Milovanovic <goranm...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm using the chrome dev tools Network panel to observe relevant 
>>>> events: 
>>>> * At the 1.25 second mark, all the necessary files (wasm, data, js, 
>>>> ...) have been downloaded.
>>>> * ----- WASM processing seems to happen here (cpu utilization goes up 
>>>> to 100%) -----
>>>> * At the 4.25 second mark, emscripten prepares the filesystem, and I 
>>>> can see this by local blob requests for pngs packed in the data file.
>>>> * My application's main() begins execution, and that's where 
>>>> initialization for my application starts.
>>>> The "WebAssembly baseline compiler" flag was set to "Default" ... I 
>>>> don't know what that actually means, and there doesn't seem to be a way to 
>>>> know, but just to be sure, I made it explicitly enabled, and it made no 
>>>> difference.
>>>> When disabled, the processing is slower by an additional 2 seconds, so 
>>>> it would seem that liftoff is providing some benefit, but nothing that 
>>>> resembles the drastic scaling visible in their benchmarks.
>>>> On Sunday, December 9, 2018 at 6:25:55 PM UTC-5, Alon Zakai wrote:
>>>>> A lot of good stuff has happened since April. The main issue has on 
>>>>> the browser side, where things are now a lot better. In particular, 
>>>>> baseline compilers are now common, like V8's Liftoff,
>>>>> https://v8.dev/blog/liftoff
>>>>> That should be enabled in Chromium 71, but you can confirm in 
>>>>> chrome://flags. (3 seconds for 3.6MB sounds high for Liftoff, so perhaps 
>>>>> it 
>>>>> isn't turned on?)
>>>>> How are you measuring startup time, btw? Aside from browser 
>>>>> compilation there may be time spend in the download or in the 
>>>>> application's 
>>>>> startup code itself. Running browser profilers can help investigate that.
>>>>> On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 12:30 PM Goran Milovanovic <goranm...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I've made a thread back in April, with a similar focus: 
>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/emscripten-discuss/still$20slow%7Csort:date/emscripten-discuss/Ft3UT0PHX_w/gXUMRN4hAgAJ
>>>>>> While somewhat useful, I think that thread was a bit side-tracked, 
>>>>>> because instead of discussing why WASM startup was so slow, we became 
>>>>>> more 
>>>>>> focused on why startup for WASM was slower than startup for asm.js 
>>>>>> (which 
>>>>>> was an issue that I wasn't even aware of, until it was mentioned by 
>>>>>> another 
>>>>>> user). It seems that this imbalance was resolved since then, but the 
>>>>>> fundamental issue of slow WASM startup still remains, because now it 
>>>>>> starts 
>>>>>> up about as fast as the old asm.js output, and, if I understood the core 
>>>>>> promises of WASM (as a pre-processed, binary format), it should be 
>>>>>> significantly faster than that.
>>>>>> My wasm file is 3.6M large. I'm using Emscripten 1.38.20 to compile, 
>>>>>> and running on Chromium 71. It takes ~3 seconds for the application to 
>>>>>> start up.
>>>>>> I'm just wondering if this is a problem in the browsers, or in the 
>>>>>> emscripten toolchain, or somewhere else (assuming that's possible), and 
>>>>>> also if there are plans for addressing this in the not too distant 
>>>>>> future?
>>>>>> Thanks.
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