
For the GNU FreeDink project, which has a custom OpenGL loader, I use
code like:

    BlendFunc = (void (APIENTRY*)(GLenum sfactor, GLenum

This stopped working recently, I believe this still worked in 1.38.21
which I used for my last build, though the error message I now get was
introduced in 538f958a900 (right before that version):

    +    abort("To use dlopen, you need to use Emscripten's linking
support, see https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/wiki/Linking";);

I guess Emscripten previously supported loading symbols from the current
binary, and now rejects it?

While it makes sense to modify FreeDink to locate GL functions
statically under Emscripten, I don't see anything related in
ChangeLog.md, so I'd like to make sure.


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