Glen Zorn wrote:
>>> Note the use of "should".
>>   Which is a common practice.
> ???

  3580 says Called-Station-Id SHOULD include the SSID.  Most APs do
include the SSID.

>>   However, SSIDs are *likely* to be unique within a roamin
>> consortium.  This is because the parties talk to each other, and can
>> complain when the SSIDs are unknown, or re-used.
> What parties?  The BSSs?  Why?

  The parties in a roaming consortium talk to each other.

>>   There are mitigating circumstances.  AAA relationships leverage trust.
>>  Continued trust depends on the parties continuing to meet expectations.
>>  Lying about SSIDs violates trust.
> But fraud doesn't?  

  Yes, fraud violates trust.  My original post included an example of
fraud, stated why this was bad, and how channel bindings could help.

  Alan DeKok.
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