Hi Sam

EMU meansEAP Method Update.

The EMU WG is the child of the EAP WG

The eap smartcard draft was presented several times to the EAP WG.

But the support of efficient implementation and its compatibility with
smartphone OS, required more time than the EAP WG lifetime



2012/3/14 Sam Hartman <hartmans-i...@mit.edu>

> >>>>> "Pascal" == Pascal Urien <pascal.ur...@gmail.com> writes:
>    Pascal> The goal of the presentation at the IETF 83 in Paris is to
>    Pascal> push this draft as an Informational RFC.
> Hi. I'm glad you want to publish this work as an RFC because I believe
> it's valuable and I'd like to see it an archival form.
> I'm supportive of efficiently publishing it as an RFC.
> I remaind confused because I don't understand how presenting the draft
> again to EMU will help that.  Are you hoping that emu will adopt the
> document and we'll publish an informational rfc through emu?  If so, I'm
> confused because I don't think that's in our charter.
> If you're hoping for an informational RFC not through EMU (either
> independent stream or IETF stream), how does the presentation help your
> goal?
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