Hi, Sam:

I can meet with you and Dacheng either during Monday lunch or first
afternoon session to discuss the options. Thanks.

On 3/19/12 3:00 PM, "Sam Hartman" <hartmans-i...@mit.edu> wrote:

> Dear Hao:
> I was pleased to hear your analysis of areas where mutual crypto binding
> may be tricky to deploy because I would like to accurately describe this
> problem space. I believe the draft covers most of the points you raise
> but I will definitely incorporate your feedback.
> I was a bit frustrated though that you proposed simply focusing on
> certificate validation without responding to the concerns that the draft
> raises  in that area because I put a fair bit of time into analyzing
> that problem space and I was hoping to try and explain that there are no
> easy answers. I hear that you are concerned about the complexity of
> EMSK-based cryptographic binding; I'm guessing you'd like to make rapid
> progress on your draft.
> However I'm concerned  when I think we may be discarding an option like
> EMSK-based cryptographic binding in favor of an option that we believe
> doesn't cover a number of deployments that we've decided in our
> requirements analysis are important to us.
> I think both of our options have merit.
> Would you be willing to get together  with me and Dacheng before the EMU
> meeting to work on a design for EMSK-based cryptographic binding in your
> method and to work on understanding what's required to get the most out
> of certificate binding? I'd like to have a well-informed discussion
> about the complexity of EMSK-based cryptographic binding, the discussion
> of complexity of certificate validation and  the environments where they
> can both function. I'd appreciate your help in getting to that point!
> I'd also be interested in working with anyone else on this problem.
> Currently I'm available Monday morning, Monday during lunch, Monday
> during the first afternoon session. It also looks like I have a fair bit
> of availability Tuesday.

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