> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jari Arkko <jari.ar...@piuha.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 9:47 AM
> To: Jim Schaad <i...@augustcellars.com>
> Cc: emu@ietf.org; draft-ietf-emu-rfc5448...@ietf.org
> Subject: Re: [Emu] WGLC for draft-ietf-emu-rfc5448bis
> Thanks for your review, Jim.
> > Any issues that I have here might have already been raised and discussed.
> If so just not that and ignore.
> >
> > Section 3.4 - I am curious why you did not make the hash function a
> property of the HKDF function rather than making it a hard coded value.  I
> would kind of expect that section 3.4 (top) and 3.4.1 would be part of the
> KDF function and not stand alone values.   I am not sure if I think that the
> MAC function should also be defined by this as well.  Doing so would allow
> for an easier jump to SHA3 at a later date if needed.
> >
> > Other than that question the document is clear and the EMU parts seem to
> be correct.  I cannot comment on any of the 3GPP parts.
> Good questions.
> I’m not sure I can entirely answer what the thinking was without going
> through past correspondence; I can’t recall. I’m not sure we were clever
> enough to do what you suggested back then, this could be just a missed
> opportunity. But I could be missing some reason why we didn’t do it.
> Thinking about it now, tying AT_MAC, AT_CHECKCODE, PRF, *and* KDF all to
> AT_KDF value would make sense. However, that would seem like a change to
> a design that was in RFC 5448, and if we change that there will be two
> questions: (a) can we do it and (b) should we do it?
> It seems like that answer to the first question is that we can, because even 
> if
> (e.g.) AT_MAC appears before KDF negotiation is completed, if the peer does
> not want to do the requested KDF/hash functions, it will in any case propose
> new KDF before running the actual crypto.
> The answer to the second question may be trickier. If I’m right above, we
> could make a change without requiring any new code lines in existing
> implementations, but it would still be a change. And if we made that kind of
> change, there’d probably be a wish from 3GPP to review that change as well.
> And possibly a request to discuss the change, or do further development. This
> is what makes me hesitate a bit.
> But I’ll also observe that a future document that introduces SHA-16384 could
> certainly define all this anyway; peers that can not do the KDF/hash that is
> proposed would suggested the older algorithms instead, and crypto would
> only run once both parties agree on what is negotiated in AT_KDF. I’ll think
> about this some more, but this seems at the moment preferable to me.


All of what you said makes complete sense to me.  As I said I was asking for 
curiosity value and not because I thought this should hold up the document from 

The one change I think you might consider doing is to put a "future version 
note" into the document with the suggestion that this be considered.  If the 
reason was just oversight I would hate for the same oversight to be made later 
and a new EAP method be registered.


> Jari

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