
I have reviewed this draft multiple times, I think this draft is very 
well-written and ready to be published. A few minor comments:

- "3rd Generation Authentication and Key Agreement"

I see that this exact term was used in RFC 5448, but I find it quite strange. I 
think the terminology is wrong as UMTS AKA was the second generation AKA made 
for the third generation cellular networks.... I find "3G Authentication and 
Key Agreement (AKA)", or the terminology used in RFC 4186 ("The Authentication 
and Key Agreement (AKA) mechanism used in 3rd generation mobile networks") to 
be much better. 3GPP calls the different AKA mechanisms: GSM AKA, UMTS AKA, EPS 

- "EAP-AKA' is commonly implemented in smart phones and network equipment."

"smart phones" is often uses for a certain class of phones, I assume EAP-AKA' 
is also commonly implemented in feature phones. Suggestion:

OLD: "smart phones"
NEW: "mobile phones"

(it is also commonly implemented in IoT devices that are not phones at all...)

- I previously sent this in a different thread:


Reading draft-dekok-emu-eap-session-id-00, I noticed that 
draft-ietf-emu-rfc5448bis uses
a different notation (decimal vs. hexadecimal) than other related drafts.


      Session-Id = 50 || RAND || AUTN
      Session-Id = 50 || NONCE_S || MAC


      Session-Id = 0x17 || RAND || AUTN
      Session-Id = 0x12 || RAND || NONCE_MT


      Session-Id = 0x17 || RAND || AUTN
      Session-Id = 0x17 || NONCE_S || MAC
      Session-Id = 0x12 || RAND || NONCE_MT

   As all other EAP RFCs I can find (RFC 5247, RFC 5216) also use hexadecimal 
notation, I suggest that draft-ietf-emu-rfc5448bis is updated to avoid any 
confusion for implementors:

     OLD: "Session-Id = 50 || RAND || AUTN"
     NEW: "Session-Id = 0x32 || RAND || AUTN"

     OLD: "Session-Id = 50 || NONCE_S || MAC"
     NEW: "Session-Id = 0x32 || NONCE_S || MAC"

- "[TS-3GPP.35.208] .... (Release 14)"

A release 15 version of TS 35.208 has now been published. Most of the other 
3GPP references are out-of-date. Maybe add an editor's note that all 3GPP 
references should be updated to the latest Release 15 version before publishing.

- "Appendix G.  Acknowledgments"

Should not be numbered according to RFC 7322

OLD: <section title="Acknowledgments">
NEW: <section title="Acknowledgments" numbered="false">


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