Jim Schaad wrote:

>> I suggest writing:
>> TLS 1.3 introduced early application data which is not used in EAP-TLS. A
>> server which receives an "early_data" extension MUST ignore the extension
>> or respond with a HelloRetryRequest as described in Section 4.2.10 of RFC
>> 8446.
> That is better, an additional note that new session tickets MUST NOT include 
> the early data extension would also be relevant.

I don't think this sentence works... according to Figure 3 of RFC 8446, the TLS 
server (but not the TLS client) can send early data even if the client did not 
provide a early_data extension. The text in RFC 8446 says very little about the 
[Application Data*] from the TLS server....

          Client                                               Server

   Initial Handshake:
          + key_share               -------->
                                                          + key_share
                                    <--------     [Application Data*]
          {Finished}                -------->
                                    <--------      [NewSessionTicket]
          [Application Data]        <------->      [Application Data]

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