Does anyone else have any other thoughts on this? I'm not a TLS expert but 
similarly value the TLS Fatal Alerts over using close_notify. If we will be 
losing alerts then I would favor switching back to 0x00.

Jorge Vergara

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan DeKok <> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 10:33 AM
To: John Mattsson <>
Cc: John Mattsson <>; Mohit Sethi M 
<>; Jorge Vergara 
<>; Mohit Sethi M <>; Benjamin 
Kaduk <>; EMU WG <>
Subject: Re: [Emu] Commitment Message handling in EAP-TLS 1.3

On Sep 1, 2020, at 10:23 AM, John Mattsson <> wrote:
> If the ability to send a descriptive TLS Fatal Alert back to the peer is a 
> requirement, changing to close_notify seems like a bad idea.

  It's fine for EAP Success.  But having two different code paths is a little 

> My understanding is that is would add an extra roundtrip without any clear 
> benefits compared to sending an encrypted 0x00 application data.

  That's a reason to stick with sending 0x00, then.

  Alan DeKok.

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