Hi again,

The following issues are related but not exactly the same:
1. indication from the server that the handshake is complete and it is 
okay to tear down the tunnel
2. indication from the server that no more post-handshake messages 
(containing NewSessionTicket or something else) will be sent.

We can't rely on EAP-Success as an indication of either since that 
message is never delivered to EAP-TLS and it maybe lost or spoofed. 
Ben's discuss arises from 2 and not 1. More at the end of the email.

On 1/5/21 7:26 AM, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thanks for chiming in here; your insight has been quite helpful already.
> (I am going to reply to the thread in reverse order so as to not duplicate
> what you've already said.)
> On Tue, Jan 05, 2021 at 02:50:15PM +1100, Martin Thomson wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> On Tue, Jan 5, 2021, at 14:05, Alan DeKok wrote:
>>> On Jan 4, 2021, at 6:26 PM, Martin Thomson <m...@lowentropy.net> wrote:
>>>> Your point about reliability is confusing.  I've read Section 4.2 of RFC 
>>>> 3748 and while it says "A peer MUST allow for this circumstance as 
>>>> described in this note.", I see no explanation of how to concretely make 
>>>> that allowance.  Are you saying that EAP methods don't really use 
>>>> EAP-Success and condition their behaviour on other signals?
>>>    EAP-Success by itself is *not* a reliable indication of Success.  See
>>> RFC 3748 Section 4.2:
>>>     Success and Failure packets MUST NOT be sent by an EAP authenticator
>>>     if the specification of the given method does not explicitly permit
>>>     the method to finish at that point.
>> This is fine.  What you might be concerned about is the nature of the 
>> signals that the EAP authenticator is receiving from TLS.  What you had in 
>> the case of TLS 1.2 was the stack providing bytes to send (which were to go 
>> in EAP-Request) and then, after everything is done, a positive signal saying 
>> that the handshake was complete and satisfactory.  That latter signal is the 
>> important one.
> Yes.  Part of what had me so unhappy about this document is that the
> Commitment Message is discussed only as a "promise to not send more
> handshake messages", not "an indication that the handshake is complete and
> the TLS layer is happy".  (Furthermore, what Alan writes below about
> "cannot distinguish a "finished authentication" EAP-Success from a
> "spoofed" EAP-Success" really needs to make its way into the document.)
>> TLS 1.3 muddies things by allowing bytes to be sent *after* the 
>> complete+satisfactory signal from TLS.  That's what you are grappling with 
>> here.  What I'm suggesting is that you don't rely on looking at what bytes 
>> hit the wire, but wait until two conditions are complete:
>> 1. The TLS stack says that it is content: the handshake is complete and it 
>> is OK with whatever the other side has provided.
>> 2. The TLS stack has no more bytes to send.
>> The latter is likely where the confusion comes from, but if the stack 
>> doesn't produce bytes when you give it bytes, then you don't need to keep 
>> waiting.  For what you depend on, that's enough.
> I agree that this is probably good enough.  There may be some complications
> depending on how badly the availability of session resumption is desired (I
> know OpenSSL provides an API to let the application requst a new session
> ticket regardless of whether any were sent with the initial handshake -- I
> wrote it -- though I need to tweak it so that it will not always wait for
> application data to send before sending the ticket), but I believe this
> provides the key functionality.
>> The mistake with sending application data is that there is no obligation on 
>> the part of the TLS stack to order its sending of NewSessionTicket relative 
>> to the application data.  Nor is is possible for you to correctly 
>> distinguish TLS data that contains your Confirmation Message from a record 
>> that just contains a little bit of a session ticket.  But you don't need to 
>> worry about that.
>> An example might help illustrate:
>> 1. ... many steps occur
>> 2. Client sends EAP-Response ending in a TLS Finished.
>> 3. Server reads that message, processes it and determines that the handshake 
>> is complete and acceptable (e.g., checks the client certificate against its 
>> policy).
>> 4. As the server is happy, it writes the Confirmation Message to TLS.
>> 5. Server asks TLS stack for outstanding data to write; TLS stack provides a 
>> bunch of application_data records.
> (In particular, this is the TLSCiphext content type that is
> "application_data", and the inner content type could be handshake or
> application data.  The application doesn't have visibility into it.)
>> 6. Server writes TLS records into an EAP-Request and sends it.
>> 7. Client receives this and sends an empty EAP-Response.
>> 8. Server sends EAP-Success.
>> This is, I assume what you intend here, with a little more detail around 
>> steps 3-5.  But what happens if the TLS stack prioritizes application data 
>> above its own maintenance such that at step 5 the Confirmation Message is 
>> written to the wire before the TLS NewSessionTicket?  Is that a problem?  
>> What validation is the client expected to perform at step 7?
> I would like to see a more precise description of what properties are
> actually needed by peer and responder here, yes.  I agree that TLS 1.3 has
> changed things compared to 1.2, but the text currently in the draft doesn't
> do very well to motivate why this information is important, and (at least
> to me) doesn't give a strong enough justification to merit the awkwardness
> of the proposed design.
>>>    With TLS 1.3, we don't know if the authentication has completed until
>>> the TLS layer sees either (a) CloseNotify, or (b) application data.  So
>>> the EAP-TLS implementations cannot distinguish a "finished
>>> authentication" EAP-Success from a "spoofed" EAP-Success.  Because the
>>> EAP-TLS implementation has no idea of TLS is done, and therefore no way
>>> to tell that the EAP-Success is permitted at this point in the
>>> negotiation.
>> As I indicated in my response to Mohit, if the intent is to provide the 
>> client with a signal, then using TLS application data to do that is 
>> imperfect, but probably OK.  What would have been ideal is some EAP-layer 
>> message that is authenticated somehow.
>>>    Therefore, we need an explicit signal to the EAP-TLS layer that the
>>> EAP-TLS method has finished.  Discussion on the list went back and
>>> forth between CloseNotify and sending one octet of application data.
>>> Implementations have done both.  The conclusion was that the one octet
>>> of application data was slightly easier to implement.
>>>    Plus, sending CloseNotify precluded the TLS layer from sending a TLS
>>> Fatal Alert:  https://www.mail-archive.com/emu@ietf.org/msg03092.html,
>>> which says in part:
>> I agree that sending a close_notify alert isn't ideal - during this process. 
>>  I also agree that making sure that genuine handshake failures are reported 
>> reliably using EAP-Request, that's just plain good sense.
>> I don't understand why you would want to send a fatal alert after 
>> successfully completing and accepting the handshake, but if that is 
>> something you care about, then that clearly rules out its use for signaling 
>> success.  I didn't suggest that.
> This somewhat gets into another point that I was hoping would be discussed
> more.  (The proposal for "close_notify" came up as the in-TLS way to
> signify "no more records coming", which includes "no more handshake records
> coming".)  The perceived issue with "close_notify" as the commitment
> message, clearly discussed in the linked message, is that "close_notify" is
> unsuitable as a commitment message when being sent in the same flight as
> server Finished.  What is very unclear to me is how often that state could
> actually be achievable.  For one, if we do move (per the previous
> discussion) to the state where the "TLS is done" signal is something like
> "TLS says it's done and has no more bytes to send", this situation *by
> definition* cannot occur, since TLS will not report the handshake as
> complete until client Finished is processed.  Even if we ignore that,
> though, we have to consider the interaction between resumption and client
> authentication.
> My understanding is that EAP is primarily used as a mutual authentication
> protocol, i.e., the client has a certificate it's going to use to
> authenticate, and the EAP Peer's identity is the identity from that
> certificate.  The desire to send the commitment message in the same flight
> as the server Finished stems from the desire to avoid another round-trip.
> But using TLS resumption will *also* save round trips, and in these
> pessimal cases where the certificate chains are huge, resumption will save
> a lot more than one round-trip.  But, if you send the commitment message
> with the server Finished, you can't send a NewSessionTicket that includes
> the client certification information at all.  So by gaining the 1 RTT from
> moving up the commitment message, you sacrifice a lot more RTTs by losing
> resumption.  Given my priors about how this is going to be used, that seems
> like a lousy tradeoff.  I'm happy to hear that I'm making invalid
> assumptions here, but it seems like you would only be able to take
> advantage of that 1 RTT gain from the commitment message for the case of
> unauthenticated clients, in expected deployments, and unauthenticated
> clients seem to be rare.
In figure 1 of the current EAP-TLS draft: 
the server already announces its intent of not issuing NewSessionTicket 
before receiving the client certificate (potentially saving one round 
trip). In figure 2: 
this is done after receiving the client certificate (causing one extra 
round trip but at the same time helping with resumption).

What I am gathering is that this commitment message should instead be 
made into a confirmation message, i.e. it should only be sent after 
receiving TLS Finished from the client? This would result in one extra 
round trip to both figure 1 and 3 in the current draft. So we would end 
up with the same number of messages as RFC 5216 for full authentication 
(https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5216#section-2.1.1) and actually do 
worse than RFC 5216 (one extra round trip) in case resumption 

Maybe this is acceptable? The draft anyway notes that "Sending the 
Commitment Message in a separate EAP-Request adds an additional 
round-trip, but may be necessary in TLS implementations that only 
implement a subset of TLS 1.3.". In which case, I am not sure if the 
reasons against using close_notify apply anymore.

> -Ben
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