On Feb 6, 2021, at 1:01 AM, John Mattsson 
<john.mattsson=40ericsson....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> I personally fine with writing MUST send an Error alert if the WG wants that.

  This is what all implementations have done for ~15 years.  The TLS Alert 
satisfies the "altReject" requirements of RFC 4137.  Which means it's a very 
good iea.

> This would maybe help with using close_notify as an alternate success 
> indication.

  I'm not sure how.  Both are needed, but they're independent.

> The most pressing question regarding alerts is if EAP-TLS can force the TLS 
> implementation to not use close_notify in any situation except for success.

  TLS libraries will not close TLS connections unless applications ask for 
that.  Anything else is madness, TBH.

> RFC 8446 allow an TLS implementation to send close_notify after receiving 
> client finished. The server might send it because of an error in the client 
> Finished or because it wants to close the connection for any reason.

>                                                                       Server 
> decides to close connection.
>                                                         EAP-Request/
>                                                    EAP-Type=EAP-TLS
>                                 <--------         (TLS close_notify)

  All that is normal and expected.

>    EAP-Response/
>    EAP-Type=EAP-TLS             -------->
>                                 <--------               EAP-Failure

  That seems wrong.

> I don't if this would be common or expected behavior from the server, but if 
> EAP-TLS cannot enforce that this to not happen, then we cannot use 
> close_notify as an alternate success indication, because an alternate success 
> indication cannot be followed by EAP-Failure.

  Perhaps just update the document to say that such use-cases are forbidden?

  We can never prevent implementations from doing stupid things.  But it is 
very useful for a specification to note the corner cases / error conditions, 
describe them, and explain why they're wrong and should not be used.

  Alan DeKok.

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