
On 27.01.23 12:17, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
For example, an OTP system could do this:
- Start authentication with username + static password; if ok then
- Server prompts for the next method: Choose 1 for push to mobile app,
2 for telephone callback, 3 for emergency use pre-printed code. Leave
password empty for the default method (not mandatory: can always
choose one of 1-3).
- The next server response then depends on what was chosen by the user

The above may need to run as one exchange without any
Intermediate-Result TLV between static password and OTP dialogue
because it gets proxied as Radius PAP to "Inner Method server" as
described in section 2.1 of the draft

Hold the phone on this.  That's *not* how Jouni's code works, and that's *not* what we just agreed to on the calls.  Jouni's code has something of a filler intermediate-result and CB, and we just agreed that everything should have that.  Now, I am still not a fan of that decision, but it's what we decided. Do we need to revisit?


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