
A few things with this text:

I'm having some issues with Section 3.3:

                The peer SHOULD verify the validity of the EAP server
                certificate and SHOULD also examine the EAP server name presented in                 the certificate in order to determine whether the EAP server can be

How?  Let me put this another way: if we don't specify the how, we should omit the text and leave it as a matter of policy for the peer.

                In addition,
                implementations MUST support matching the realm portion of the peer's                 NAI against a SubjectAltName of type dNSName within the server

I interpret that text to mean that the *peer* MUST verify that the rhs of the NAI that it sent matches the dnsName of the server cert SAN.  The value of this being to validate that the radius packet has been routed to the right server?  I *think* this is okay.

With regard to:

                Note that since TLS client certificates are sent in the clear with                 TLS 1.2 and earlier, if identity protection is required, then it is                 possible for the TLS authentication to be renegotiated after the                 first server authentication.  To accomplish this, the server will                 typically not request a certificate in the server_hello; then, after                 the server_finished message is sent and before TEAP Phase 2, the
                server MAY send a TLS hello_request.

Has anyone coded this for TEAP?  Also, I think the diagrams in the Appendix may need some updating.

On the following addition:

            Where the inner method does not provide an MSK or EMSK, the Crypto-                 Binding TLV offers little protection, as it cannot tie the inner EMSK                 to the TLS session via the TLS-PRF.  As a result, the TEAP session                 will be vulnerable to on-path active attacks. Implementations and                 deployments SHOULD adopt various mitigation strategies described in
                [RFC7029] Section 3.2.

Does this have an impact either with cert ops or the Phase 1 auth and close as discussed previously?

I may have a few more comments after the weekend.


On 18.08.23 19:13, wrote:
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
directories. This Internet-Draft is a work item of the EAP Method Update (EMU)
WG of the IETF.

    Title           : Tunnel Extensible Authentication Protocol (TEAP) Version 1
    Author          : Alan DeKok
    Filename        : draft-ietf-emu-rfc7170bis-12.txt
    Pages           : 108
    Date            : 2023-08-18

    This document defines the Tunnel Extensible Authentication Protocol
    (TEAP) version 1.  TEAP is a tunnel-based EAP method that enables
    secure communication between a peer and a server by using the
    Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to establish a mutually
    authenticated tunnel.  Within the tunnel, TLV objects are used to
    convey authentication-related data between the EAP peer and the EAP
    server.  This document obsoletes RFC 7170.

The IETF datatracker status page for this Internet-Draft is:

There is also an HTML version available at:

A diff from the previous version is available at:

Internet-Drafts are also available by rsync at

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