Dear Members of End-Violence,

Today, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against
Women, we are delighted to welcome you back to the End-Violence Working
Group! As you know, End-Violence is a powerful online community of 2,500
members from more than 130 countries, which is dedicated to ending violence
against women worldwide. End-Violence has been "on hiatus" for the past
year and we are excited to resume this unique and important resource.

The End-Violence Working Group:

* Shares inspiring examples of addressing gender-based violence
* Discusses your ideas about what governments and UN agencies can do to
help end violence against women
* Exchanges information and experience about policies, legislation,
strategies, cases, best practices, lessons learned
* Promotes the global visibility of organisations working to end violence
against women, especially those in developing countries
* Provides input directly into activities and programmes of UNIFEM and
other UN agencies.
* Expands networking among NGOs, governments, international agencies,
foundations, educational institutions, religious groups, media and others

Today also marks the beginning of the 16 Days of Action Against
Gender-Based Violence. This week we would like to focus the End-Violence
discussion on the actions you are conducting for the 16 Days of Action. We
are eager to hear about your activities and events, and hope you will share
them with the Working Group. We will also greatly appreciate your telling
others about End-Violence Working Group so they can share their experience
with us.

Next week, we will post an agenda for the coming six months. During this
week we welcome your suggestions of topics that you would like to discuss.
Many changes have occurred during the past year, while End-Violence has
been on hiatus, and we are eager to hear your ideas about how the Working
Group can contribute to your efforts to end violence against women.

We wish to thank UNIFEM and the International Center for Alcohol Policies
(ICAP) for their generous support, which has made it possible to resume the
End-Violence Working Group. EDC is also providing in-kind contributions to
the Working Group.

We look forward to hearing about your activities, and to a vibrant and
interesting discussion!

Warm regards,

End-Violence Moderators

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