I agree. Women everywhere are victims of violence. In Gujarat most
recently this has taken the shape of communal violence, but targeting
particularly women in the most inhuman and demeaning ways. In Bihar the
caste wars constantly target women through direct and indirect violence.
People of that state are daily living through such systemic gender
violence, where the state is at best a mute spectator, and at worst an
active participant. Few political groups speak about the systemic gender
violence in Bihar. The land struggle in Bodh Gaya had highlighted such

Manoshi Mitra Das

Manoshi Mitra Das
Asian Development Bank

Chetan Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 >The Gujarat crisis has shown few very clear lessons to all of us :
 >--women are most vulnerable and susceptible to violence
 >--the civil society and the media shoulder the biggest responsibility not
 >only in sensitizing but also in ensuring bodies such as NCW perform their
 >judicious responsibility and stop being subservient to the Government...or
 >disband themselves.

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