Hi Everyone!

Which engagement team projects are you most excited about this year? If
you're not sure, we can help!

In order to help us all better collaborate, we are creating a comprehensive
directory so that we know what our members are interested in, and who we
can contact when we need help. This could be a great way to learn new
skills, and/or reconnect to GNOME! ;)

*The Engagement team is known for many cool projects, including: *

Event planning
External outreach

- Websites

- Press releases

- Marketing materials

- Presence at external events

- Social Media

Internal communications
Annual report
... and so much more! ;)

If you'd like to learn more about what the Engagement team does, please
check out our team page: https://wiki.gnome.org/Engagement.

We are always adding new things, so if you're passionate about something
and are wondering if it fits within the purview of the engagement team,
please put it down in the "notes" section when you add your info, and let
us know!

We are compiling the directory in a temporary location until we can migrate
it to a secure shared location.

*For now, please add **the** information** you feel comfortable sharing*
* to: **https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/Engagement_Directory*

If you do not feel comfortable adding any information to the Etherpad, but
still want to participate, you can send an email to Rosanna (z...@gnome.org)
or Nuritzi (nurit...@gmail.com).

Thank you, and we look forward to collaborating and making 2016 absolutely

SF Engagement Team (yep, we exist)

*Here's a sample of the info we are hoping to compile in the directory: *

*Name: *
*IRC Nick: *
*Email: *
*Time Zone: *
*Areas of Interest: *
*Areas of Experience: *
*Availability: *
*Notes: *


*Nuritzi Sanchez*  |  +1.650.218.7388 |  Endless <http://endlessm.com/>
engagement-list mailing list

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