On 05/06/2012 03:46 PM, Allon Mureinik wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've recently come up with (what I believe is) an elegant way to mock the 
> Config object using JUnit @Rules and Mockito  (The gritty details can be 
> found at http://gerrit.ovirt.org/4155).

More on @Rule can be found at this blog -


> This presented me with another issue:
> On the one hand, the code depends on junit and mockito jars, which are not 
> available in the main scope, only in the test scope.
> On the other hand, in vanilla Maven there is no dependency between tests of 
> different projects, so placing this class in util's test would make it 
> inaccessible to bll tests.
> The solution Maven suggests for these kind of issues is creating a test jar 
> (http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-attached-tests.html): In addition 
> to the regular jar the module produces, you'll get another -test jar, which 
> other modules can depend on using the <type>test-jar</type>, which could of 
> course be put in <scope>test</scope>.
> Before pushing forward with this approach, I'd like to know if anyone has a 
> principle objection to it.
> Thanks,
> Allon
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