Hi guys,

Earlier today, Java6 compatibility was broken 
This was picked up on pretty quickly, and easily fixed 

However, I think this is a good opportunity to revisit our policy towards Java 
Currently, we have an "odd" setup, where we recommend running a compiling 
/with/ Java 7 [1] but comply to Java 6 language level [2] and JDK [3].
Inevitably, mistakes like the that happened today will happen.

I know we're holding back due to GWT issues, but looking forward to oVirt 4.0, 
is Java 7 on our roadmap? 


[1] http://wiki.ovirt.org/Building_oVirt_engine#Installing_OpenJDK
[2] maven-compiler-plugin section in ${OVIRT_GIT}/pom.xml
[3] http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt_engine_animal_sniffer_check/

If you want to check that you aren't breaking Java/JDK 6 compatibility locally 
without installing java 6, you can run "mvn animal-sniffer:check". Note that 
animal sniffer analyzes binaries, so this has to be done /after/ the project 
was built. Of course, you can do this in a single line "mvn install 
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