Hi Laszlo,

I'm currently in the process of adding a caching layer on top of JdbcTemplate, 
which would greatly reduce the number of database activities we have, so that 
would solve the last item you raised.
I didn't mean the ORM performance is caused by the mapping. I think the problem 
lies in the fact that we will modify our code to have batch updates for most 
insert activities - a thing that is impossible in JPA/Hibernate. So, if we'll 
have some code in SQL and some in ORM - I prefer we stick all code to SQL…

On Apr 2, 2013, at 9:34 AM, Laszlo Hornyak wrote:

> Hi Liran,
> I agree that ORM tools in general have to add some mapping overhead, but that 
> overhead is very small compared to the time needed by the database 
> interaction.
> ORM tools sometimes generate SQL statements that we could imagine being 
> better, I do not think they are as hard for the DB as for example the ones 
> generated by searchbackend. Also, we can do rdbms specific optimizations when 
> needed.
> Plus we could finally have some caching in ovirt engine and the code would 
> not have to read e.g. the DC record again and again. There are some more like 
> that.
> Therefore having a JPA could improve the performance in engine.
> Laszlo
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Liran Zelkha" <lzel...@redhat.com>
>> To: "Eli Mesika" <emes...@redhat.com>
>> Cc: engine-devel@ovirt.org
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 7:24:08 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
>> I also apologize for jumping in late...
>> I think concerning SQL injection we'll be covered by using
>> PreparedStatements. Since we're using SpringJDBC, most of our code uses
>> PreparedStatements anyway.
>> Concerning ORM - I feel it won't really be beneficial to us. I know of very
>> few projects who can actually be cross-database, and just maintaining schema
>> creation scripts for different databases can be too difficult to maintain.
>> Also, from a performance perspective, ORM performs worse than regular SQL
>> (or stored procedures), so it wouldn't be the direction I choose.
>> I think we should keep using SpringJDBC with either SQL or stored procedures
>> (doesn't really matter, whatever is easier to maintain and performs faster)
>> and maybe add a better, more generic, RowMapper class.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Eli Mesika" <emes...@redhat.com>
>> To: engine-devel@ovirt.org
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 12:35:03 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Laszlo Hornyak" <lhorn...@redhat.com>
>>> To: "Libor Spevak" <lspe...@redhat.com>
>>> Cc: "Juan Hernandez" <jhern...@redhat.com>, engine-devel@ovirt.org
>>> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:31:34 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Libor Spevak" <lspe...@redhat.com>
>>>> To: "Itamar Heim" <ih...@redhat.com>
>>>> Cc: "Juan Hernandez" <jhern...@redhat.com>, engine-devel@ovirt.org
>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 4:04:20 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
>>>> Hi,
>>>> apart from SQL vs. stored procedures discussion, I am trying to
>>>> understand what we can get if we support more databases...
>> Sorry for joining this discussion so late (I was in a vacation)
>> anyway
>> two points missing from SQL VS. SP are
>> 1) security - With plain SQL we will have to handle SQL Injection
>> 2) It is more economic to pass a call to SP than the full SQL on the wire...
>>>> Some points:
>>>> 1. Is there a real need by end-users/customers to run it on e.g.
>>>> Oracle
>>>> only? (performance, stability, easier administration).
>>> Usually companies have one database and they are trying to stick to that
>>> one.
>>> Having two doubles the resource needs, you need one more DBA team, care for
>>> mirrors, backups. So it almost doubles the costs.
>> Generally, I agree with Alon B L , if you have to support X DBs you are not
>> doubling the effort by X
>> Actually, we had already experience with that when we supported both MS SQL &
>> Postgres
>> I believe that as we have some customers with large installations,
>> performance counts and the best way (and sometimes teh only way) id the DB
>> layer
>>> This is why I frequently hear people asking if we plan to support XyDB in
>>> the
>>> future. PostgreSQL is cool, but those who already use MySQL/MariaDB, they
>>> just do not want one more.
>>>> What is the future of PostgreSQL?
>>>> 2. Is it decided by architectural board, what kind of databases we
>>>> would
>>>> like to support? (cannot support any db)
>>> With a JPA we could support most mainstream relational databases, but in my
>>> opinion 99 percent of people run oracle, mysql/mariadb or postgresql. So
>>> maybe we do not have to think in big number of database engines.
>>> This is theoretical since JPA is still on wishlist :(
>>>> 3. Are we talking about the Engine only, or there will be a need to
>>>> rewrite ETL mappings and upgrade DWH database, or maybe modify
>>>> JasperReports templates (simply, some DB types behave differently)?
>>>> Maybe we can look at JasperSoft solution, they support more
>>>> databases.
>> IMHO , ETL & DWH are perfect candidates for NO SQL which is already supported
>> by Jasper
>>>> 4. Current full/incremental upgrade process of PostgreSQL is IMHO
>>>> very
>>>> good tuned (it is similar to dbmaintain.org tool - Java
>>>> implementation -
>>>> I used successfully on one project - after some changes of course). I
>>>> do
>>>> not believe we can use or easily develop general upgrade/migration
>>>> tool,
>>>> and XML based (I am sorry Alissa, not sure about Liquibase, I haven't
>>>> studied it deeply, but there is a need to incrementally change db
>>>> objects, but sometimes also to migrate data to new structures, the
>>>> most
>>>> flexible and quickest is to do it using native SQL, but yes, it
>>>> depends
>>>> on the project needs...).
>> I had evaluated Liquibase and I think that managing your DB upgrades via XML
>> is very unfriendly and very limited as you reach complex upgrades as we had
>> in the past.
>> Just think of the tables in which we change the key from long to UUID , there
>> is no way to do that in such tools
>>>> 5. As a developer, with every new column I need to write upgrade
>>>> scripts, prepare test environments and test all scenarios several
>>>> times
>>>> on different databases, so time-consuming.
>> Did it also , again , since our SQL is 90% simple , the effort of writing a
>> SP for more than one DB is not so high (and you have free converters you can
>> use for that)
>> Finally, embedded SQL in the Java code is not a good idea, it will be hard to
>> maintain it and it is not advancing us in supporting more than one database.
>> We have already SQL generated in the Java code on the search engine and IMHO
>> this is one of the parts in the applications that needs a rewrite ...
>>>> On 27.3.2013 13:53, Itamar Heim wrote:
>>>>> On 03/26/2013 08:39 PM, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "Juan Hernandez" <jhern...@redhat.com>
>>>>>>> To: engine-devel@ovirt.org
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 7:34:04 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I would like to start a discussion about the subject. I think
>>>>>>> this is
>>>>>>> something we need to do if one day we want to be able to use any
>>>>>>> database other than PostgreSQL.
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I think that database layer is a software interface like any other
>>>>>> software interface, if done properly, a dba can convert the stored
>>>>>> procedure to any other database without any code change.
>>>>>> This way the database specific implementation lives within the
>>>>>> database and maintained by the designated dba.
>>>>>> Fixups and optimizations can be done in database without touching
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> code.
>>>>>> Backward compatibility layer is much simpler to implement based on
>>>>>> stored procedures than complex set of views and tables.
>>>>>> Also, accessing the database via different technologies is simpler
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> there is maintained database interface (stored procedures).
>>>>>> I've seen hibernate based java applications that promised to be
>>>>>> database independent but at the edges when performance counts, the
>>>>>> DAO became HQL, then a special dialect and finally database
>>>>>> specific
>>>>>> SQLS.
>>>>> there may be db specific optimization/logic, but I don't see why we
>>>>> need STPs for 80% (if not more) of the CRUD and basic queries.
>>>>> I also agree with Tal later in the thread that its a good question
>>>>> if
>>>>> we can't find a better solution than re-writing the sql's in the
>>>>> code
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