Hash: SHA256

On 13.09.13 14:53, Kosuke Kaizuka wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> On Thu, 12 Sep 2013 18:20:10 +0200, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
>> Over the last few months I developed two new features that I
>> would like to have tested a bit more widely than just by myself
>> before I create an official release.
>> The two features are: 1) Automatic installation of GnuPG in the
>> Setup Wizard: if the Wizard cannot find GnuPG, it offers to
>> download and install GnuPG. This is implemented for Windows and
>> Mac OS X and will install Gpg4win or GpgTools. In order to test
>> this, please uninstall your current GnuPG version, restart
>> Thunderbird and then launch the setup wizard from the OpenPGP
>> menu (requires admin rights, or the possibility to gain admin 
>> rights).
>> 2) Detect and configure the passphrase idle timeout in gpg-agent:
>> when gpg-agent is detected, Enigmail does not simply say "I
>> cannot configure the timeout" anymore, but instead it reads the
>> current timeout settings from gpg-agent and also modifies the
>> configuration of gpg-agent. This works on all platforms with
>> GnuPG 2.x installed, if gpg-agent is used (i.e. gnome-keyring,
>> seahorse-agent etc. are not supported).
>> Please let me know any issues you find with these features. In
>> particular, I'm looking for test results on Windows 8, 8.1 and
>> Vista, and on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) and Mountain Lion
>> (10.8).
> I have tested Enigmail 1.6b1 on Windows 7.
> environments - Windows 7 Professional SP1 (x64) - Thunderbird
> 24.0b3 - Enigmail 1.6b1 - uninstall Gpg4win 2.2.0 light (GnuPG
> 2.0.21, GPA, GpgEX) and reboot
> 1) works fine. Gpg4win 2.2.0 vanilla (GnuPG 2.0.21) has been
> installed successfully and setup wizard has completed. I have one
> question; how does Enigmail verify the integrity of downloaded 
> Gpg4win or GpgTools?

I run a web service (using https) which delivers the URL to the
current version of gpg4win or gpgtools, and the corresponding SHA1
hash sum. The hash sum is checked after the download and before
installation starts.

> 2) works fine. Timeout setting of gpg-agent is now visible and
> configurable via Enigmail setting.
> It seems that locale strings are changed from those of 1.5.2 (some
> additions and removals). Are locale strings already freezed for
> 1.6?

Yes, there were string changes, and no they are not yet frozen. I'll
upload a new version to Babelzilla in a few days for the translations.

- -Patrick

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.20 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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