Hi Jogi--

On Tue 2015-01-20 07:22:38 -0500, Jogi Hofmüller wrote:

> after an upgrade of my Debian System that brought me enigmail 1.7.2
> (20141123-1552) I cannot send encrypted emails anymore.  The error I get is
> Fehler - Verschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen (error - encryption failed)
> /usr/bin/gpg2 --charset utf-8 --display-charset utf-8 --batch --no-tty
> --status-fd 2 --with-fingerprint --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-keys
> gpg: Oops: keyid_from_fingerprint: no pubkey
> gpg: Hinweis: Signaturen mit dem MD5 Hashverfahren werden
> zurückgewiesen.  (gpg: notice:  signatures using MD5 hashes will be
> rejected).
> Furthermore I get the exact same error when trying to look at my
> keyring, which is actually what's happening when the error above is
> produced.
> I tested the command string in a terminal and it works just fine, no
> error, no Oops.  I also tested encryption which - no surprise - also
> works fine.
> So I dare ask:  what is going on here?

Can you share your example of what you're doing at the commandline to
test it?  I note that enigmail appears to be using gpg2; what version of
gpg2 do you have installed?  is it possible that you're using gpg (the
1.4 version) to test the command line, but gpg2 from enigmail?

can you show the output of:

 gpg --version
 gpg2 --version

Hopefully we can help you get this sorted out.



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