On Wed 2018-01-24 16:11:58 -0500, Jean-David Beyer wrote:
> On 01/24/2018 10:17 AM, Neil D. Donovan wrote:
>> 2) Automatic decryption of received encrypted emails to the folder on
>> the email server
> If I were sending you an encrypted e-mail, I presume I wish you to be
> able to read it, but I surely would not wanting you to share its
> contents with anyone else. So if I knew you would even be storing the
> decrypted version of my email anywhere else

I agree with this sentiment.  Storing the cleartext (or
cleartext-equivalent) on a remote untrusted server, or someplace that
makes it easy to get to, seems like a bad idea, and a loss of end-to-end
security that the sender is likely to expect.  That said…

> (or even on your own computer)

i think this goes too far.  Even in the most tightly-controlled
end-to-end scenario, my own computer is going to see a cleartext version
of this message.  Whether my computer sees it briefly, or for a longer
period of time, the local user's endpoint still has access to it.

Given that there can be serious user experience wins from having a
locally-cached cleartext copy (or the equivalent, e.g. an index), it
seems like a bad idea to discourage people from using encrypted mail.
wouldn't you rather that they have an incentive to use encrypted mail
*more*, rather than falling back to cleartext?


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