On Friday, 30 July 2004, at 09:21:02 (+0900),
Carsten Haitzler wrote:

> indeed it would. the problem here though is - entrance simply
> doesn't start if you get the source then:
> ./configure
> make
> make install
> because the code uses the defines that say the sysconfdir is /etc
> and looks for entrans_config.db there (same for pam.d and init.d
> stuff so it's accessible) so instead entrance ends up installing in
> /usr/etc and /us/pam.d
> :(

Argh.  Some days I really despise autoFUCK.

> btw - emotion suffers the same issue in installing a module in
> xine's plugin dir. you will find it hard to build in a buildroot too
> :(

Yes, emotion has caused me some trouble too, mostly xine-related.  I
haven't given up though.

> hrrrmmm. how does other software handle it that has to install stuff
> outside of its own prefix?

I think we may have to split it out a bit more and try to handle it
more manually.  Perhaps we can hash it out sometime this week.


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  http://www.kainx.org/  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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