I checked out the E17 CVS to see what's in there andfound a couple bugs that
hungup the compiles..

in lib/ewl/data/themes/default/bits/entry-groups.edc

Change line 30 from:
      name,      "base";
      name",     "border";

Wouldn't compile without that.  (not sure if it's 100% correct though)

in apps/entrace/data/theems/default/img  menu.png, menu_bottom_center.png,
menu_bottom_left.png, menu_bottom_right.png, menu_top_center.png,
mentu_top_left.png and menu_top.right.png are missing.  I copied them from 
entrace/data/themes/Nebulous/img. (most likely not right, but allowed
compilation to complete.  most likely cause, they were not committed to CVS on
the main dev's box)

Also on my gentoo system, a straight "./autogen.sh" for almost all libs did NOT
work,  I'd get an immediate failure usually at the end of ./configure or when
running "make":

make[2]: Entering directory `/home/dave/cvs/e17/libs/edb/src'
Makefile:324: *** missing separator.  Stop.

Running "autoreconf;./configure; make"  seemed to fix it and it never came

Dave J. Andruczyk

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